Bone Health Index demonstrates relation to fractures in Klinefelter children

A study published in Journal of the Endocrine Society by Vogiatzi and Ross of Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, followed 90 Klinefelter boys, half of which were treated with Oxandrolone – an anabolic steroid.

(Males have one X and one Y chromosome and females have two X chromosomes. Klinefelter boys have two X and one Y chromosome, i.e. XXY. The incidence Klinefelter Syndrome is 1 of 800 boys.)

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The world’s first osteoporosis screening

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen’s first public presentation of the new X-rays took place on the 23rd of January 1896 in Würzburg.

The Swiss anatomist Albert von Kölliker volunteered to have his hand X-rayed during the lecture, and the resulting image has now been analysed with a new version of BoneXpert, presented in the Archives of Osteoporosis

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