Celebrating 50 BoneXpert publications on PubMed

Searching PubMed with “BoneXpert” yields 50 publications until the end of 2020.

Until 2017, there were 31 publications of which 18 were coauthored by Visiana.

In 2018-20, there were 19 publication, and none of the them were coauthored by Visiana, marking a shift towards independent validation studies.

30 of the 50 publications were on bone age, 5 were on adult height prediction and a surprisingly large number, 15, were on the Bone Health Index.

Explore the abstracts of these publications here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=bonexpert&filter=years.2009-2020

New Adult Height Predictor supports three ethnicities

The Bayley-Pinneau method for adult height prediction (AHP) from age, bone age and height was developed in 1952 based on American white children. In 2009, the method was modernised through the BoneXpert AHP based on automated bone age, better math and more recent Caucasian longitudinal studies.

We are happy to present an extension of the method to cover three major ethnicities: Caucasians, Asians and Africans.

Read more “New Adult Height Predictor supports three ethnicities”