BoneXpert licensed to 32 hospitals

Thirty-two hospitals have now purchased a license to BoneXpert, a doubling since November 2012.

This number refers to “larger clinics” doing at least 200 analyses per year. Nineteen of these are in Scandinavia, which amounts to more than 2/3 of the larger clinics in this region.

Six of the clinics are in Germany, including the University Clinic in Heidelberg and Olgahospital in Stuttgart. Most of the research projects on BoneXpert bone age and BHI take place in Germany.

A main achievement in 2013 was the roll-out of the new version 2.0, which is more resilient to variations in image quality from the contrast amplification of the post-processing algorithms associated with the modality. The story behind this improvement can be found in this “Topic of Interest”.