Automated bone age at University Hospital Crosshouse

Located in Crosshouse, near Kilmarnock in Scotland, University Hospital Crosshouse is a teaching hospital and the largest facility within NHS Ayrshire & Arran, serving a wide region. In 2023, the hospital adopted BoneXpert, an automated software solution for bone age analysis, to address workflow inefficiencies and improve diagnostic accuracy. As highlighted in the article by the Crosshouse Children’s Fund:

“BoneXpert streamlines the process of analysing x-rays, providing faster and more accurate insights into children’s bone health.”


Traditionally, bone age assessments at University Hospital Crosshouse required manual evaluation of X-rays, a process that could take weeks. This evaluation time can leave families uncertain about their child’s development. 


BoneXpert optimised the workflow by reducing the analysis time from weeks to seconds. PACS Manager Melissa McMurran noted:

“The analysis takes no longer than 20 seconds, so even at the last minute or in real-time, the software is considered efficient—everyone is happy!” 

Furthermore, from a technical perspective, the system proved highly reliable: “From a PACS/IT perspective, I don’t spend too much time supporting BoneXpert. Once the configuration was set up and the clinical workflow agreed between the services, the system looks after itself.” 

The Crosshouse Children’s Fund article quotes Consultant Paediatrician Dr. Scott Williamson, who emphasised BoneXpert’s impact on patient care:

“Using this software saves a lot of time and effort. We can now complete the analysis immediately after the X-ray, getting results back to families much quicker. This advancement in medical technology is already making a big difference.”


  • Time Savings: Automated analysis replaced lengthy manual processes, reducing the evaluation time from weeks to seconds.
  • Improved Accuracy: More accurate bone health results.
  • Enhanced Workflow: BoneXpert integrates seamlessly into existing systems with minimal maintenance required.
  • Better Patient Experience: Families benefit from quicker delivery of bone age and bone health results.

To learn more about BoneXpert’s impact at Crosshouse, visit Crosshouse Children’s Fund.

Auckland Radiology Group become the first private radiology clinic in New Zealand to adopt BoneXpert

Auckland Radiology Group – Auckland’s largest independent radiology provider – has become the first private radiology clinic in New Zealand to adopt BoneXpert’s AI software-based medical device for automated bone age and adult height prediction.

Read more “Auckland Radiology Group become the first private radiology clinic in New Zealand to adopt BoneXpert”

Almost full house in Scandinavia

Visiana welcomes the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør Øst) as a BoneXpert customer. Helse Sør Øst includes Norway’s capital Oslo, and the authority provides health care for 56% of Norway’s population.

Around 50 hospitals in Scandinavia are performing more than 100 bone age analyses per year. With the addition of Helse Sør Øst, BoneXpert is licensed to all of these hospitals with the exception of 1 hospital in Norway, 2 in Sweden and 1 in Finland.

BoneXpert in 135 hospitals

BoneXpert has been licensed to several major children’s hospitals in Italy, culminating with the sales to the largest children’s hospital in Europe Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù in Rome, run by the Vatican City. The number of sites having purchased a license to BoneXpert is now 135