Special Focus Session on age assessment at ESPR 2017
Prof Dr med Oskar Jenni of University of Zurich with expertise in developmental psychology, and PhD Hans Henrik Thodberg, developer of BoneXpert, will give a joint, interdisciplinary talk: Age estimation at the end of puberty: From a hand radiograph or from mental/psychological assessment
The talk is on June 2nd 07:45-08:45 and will be moderated by Prof. Karen Rosendahl, Bergen.
ESPR 2017 is the annual meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Radiology, and this year it will reach a remarkably high level in Davos, at altitude 1560 m, in Switzerland, 1st-3rd June 2017.
Visiana will exhibit BoneXpert and welcomes everybody at the stand. New users can obtain a free trial and current users can discuss experience with daily use, technical matters and research projects.